Thursday, 16 September 2021

Replicating Han Solo's DL-44

... Han shot first!

Like many iconic props, the DL-44 has been studied in mind boggling detail for many years. The original was based on an actual "Broom Handle" Mauser C96, with later iterations being based on a replica of the same gun. Now neither WW2 antiques nor super rare replicas are within my price range but what I can afford is one of these: 

This super cheap toy might not look like much now, but I'm hoping with a little bit of work I can make it look like the real deal. 

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Converting a Water Pistol Blade Runner PKD

or "Is it raining on that replicant or did my gun shoot water?"

My finished Blade Runner PKD

I recently completed my painting "Memories Lost", a tribute to Ridley Scott's Blade Runner, and for this painting I recreated a number of props from the movie. Perhaps the most iconic and memorable is of course Deckard's Blaster. There are many excellent replicas of this gun available. All of them out of my price range, with one exception; the Fullcock Takagi water pistol. Read on below to see how I converted a water pistol into a stunning replica.

3D Printing Luke's Macrobinoculars

or "Why's that Tuskan getting bigger?" 

My completed Macro Binoculars

In the past I've chosen which props to build based on what my current obsession is, but for the last couple of years I've been choosing what to make with a view to composing paintings. I've been tiptoeing round the idea for a Star Wars painting for a while now, and with that in mind I decided I really *needed* a pair of macro binoculars...

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

3D Printing a Fertility Idol

Although I really enjoy making things and the processes involved I’m not much of a collector and there aren’t many props I actually desire to own. One fairly major exception to this is the Golden Idol from Raiders of the Lost Ark. I’m still kicking myself for not buying the Idol money-box I saw in my local comic shop fifteen odd years ago. 

Given that I had some spare time at work recently I thought I’d model up an idol I could run out on my 3D printer. There are a few models already kicking around on the internet however I felt a better level of accuracy could be achieved. 

The idol as it appeared in the movie