Thursday, 25 April 2019

Revisiting the Crown of Bethmora

Five years ago I produced a copy of the Crown of Bethmora (from Hellboy 2). In fact, it was the first original project I'd produced using my 3D Printer. In the Autumn of last year I was contacted with a commission to produce another crown. Since my first attempt I've picked up a few tricks, (and also the Art of Hellboy 2 book) so I was pretty sure I could produce something really amazing this time around, but this particular project was not all plain sailing...

Monday, 4 March 2019

The Cross of Coronado

It belongs in a Museum!

Next on my hit list of Indiana Jones props was the Cross of Coronado, the crucifix seen at the beginning of the third Indie movie. I've seen some awesome recreations of this prop that are as wonderful as they are outside my budget so I thought I'd have a go at making one for myself.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Perspective for your art (Part 1)

I'm involved with a few artist communities now and I'm seeing many of the same problems cropping up again and again. Rather than try to reply to everyone's queries individually I thought I would write some blog entries detailing one or two of the common issues artists face and how to overcome them.

To start with I thought we would tackle... PERSPECTIVE!

Monday, 21 January 2019

Creating a pirate treasure map...

In one of my previous blog entries I looked at the many techniques used in ageing paper, in this one I will look at applying them in the production of a realistic looking treasure map. If you want some tips on how to create a convincing pirate treasure map then read on…